February 13, 2009

Step 4 is complete!

I just thought I'd tell you. :-)

*jumps for joy*

This means I don't have to add to my counter at the bottom of this blog. I really am done with this step.
So now, the boat is officially ready for gel-coat! Could it be? Seriously??

*jumps for joy a second time*

I've already shown my significant other and have watched for signs of jealousy over my magic hands.

Now, Sunday I'm going to have to move it outside and wash it. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.
Eh, I don't know. I've been working pretty hard with school and work and this in between. I may need a day of rest.

Anyway, here are the pictures. This is the work of an artist (please emphasize the "tist" when you read...as in "teest")! She's only been dreaming of fresh new gel-coat for a matter of years. The lake seems to be getting closer and closer!

Alright. This is the biggest hole:

Though while the biggest, it's one of the more simpler ones. Later I'll show you the most difficult one. I've been using a medium grit sandpaper, if you are pounding your head for the answer to that question.
All of these holes require me to recreate the 90 degree bend from bottom of the hull to the side. If it sounds difficult, it's because it is. It's very difficult. I've fine tuned the filler as best as I'm capable. If a little repair work shows, fine. But I think it will take a keen eye. I'm pretty proud of my accomplishment today.

This is one of the easier holes. It's not as long as the one above so there's less curve to match:

And now.... [enter drumroll]

The main event....

[thimble crash then trumpets]

Behold the photographic evidence that I should rule the world, muwahahaha!!!

Click on that picture to take a closer look!
This is near the bow and where the hull does this irritating curve and bulge that makes newbies to fiberglass (such as myself) obsess, curse, scratch their heads, and wonder why they dove into such a project. Eh, a great learning experience.
*rolls eyes*

No really, it was. I think I could tackle some basic body work now. In fact, I've had requests to fix a few things from others. I wonder what I should charge?

Do you see how beautiful that is up there? It's almost a shame it'll be covered in gel-coat!

(I gladly cover it in gel-coat. In fact, I will giggle the entire time)

So there you have it. She's ready for her color. I refuse to purchase two $10 tubes of pigment just to yellow the gel-coat enough to match the aged surface. So repairs will be visible at least for a little while, should things go to plan. However, the new gel-coat will fade and discolor and should blend nicely.

So, Step 4 complete! After this step, it certainly feels good to update the list under "The Plan".

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment." ~ Jim Rohn

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